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我們 (夏虫茶世界公司) 十分重視您的私隱。我們的目標是保護您的個人資料。我們會遵守香港特別行政區法例第486章之《個人資料(私隱)條例》中清楚訂明的個人資料保障守則,確保您提供給我們的個人資料會得到妥善的保管和公正合法的處理。然而,鑑於互聯網之性質,我們不能作「完全保障」擔保。如果您對我們收集您個人資料的方式或使用方式有任何疑問,且在本私隱政策聲明中未加以回答,請在網頁填寫表格向我們聯絡。



夏虫茶世界公司致力於維護閣下之網上私隱權。收集全部個人資料。您透過登記或使用夏虫茶世界公司(本網站)同意我們以下列出的私隱聲明條款。如果您不同意以下條款,請離開本站。本聲明乃遵照第 486 章香港特別行政區法例《個人資料(私穩)條例》之要求而發表。












  • 監控本網站之運作及協助本網站之未來發展;

  • 匯編有關本網站的用戶統計表,作分析之用途;

  • 收集資料以核實身份及記錄,並加入聯絡名單以作通訊之用途;

  • 用作內部管理、解決紛爭及問題,以及加強執行我們的使用條款;

  • 向用戶提供多元化的資訊,包括宣傳橫額、新增服務、推廣產品及其他市場推廣資料等;

  • 就與閣下使用網站有關之行政通知及通訊而聯絡需要


  • 按顧客之需要新增服務項目或改善現行之服務

  • 為提供更好的服務進行調查訪問








We (Mushi Tea World Company) take your privacy very seriously and our goal is to protect your information. We will at all times comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong SAR ("Ordinance") to ensure that the personal information you give us is kept appropriately secure and processed fairly and lawfully. However, given the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that there is "perfect security". If you have any questions about the way in which your information is being collected or used which are not answered by this Privacy Statement please contact us.


Personal Information Collection Statement

Mushi Tea World Company, in complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong SAR, are committed to safeguarding your privacy on-line, and notify you of certain matters when collecting information from you. By subscription and every time you log-in to this Web site to use our services, you agree to be bound by this statement at that time in force.


Changes to our Privacy Statement

We may change our Privacy Statement occasionally so please check this page from time to time. Any changes to the Privacy Statement will become valid 30 days after it has been posted on the site.


Collection of Data

At the time of subscription and at other times when using this Web site, you may be asked to provide us with personally identifiable information, such as your name and e-mail address. It is necessary for us to collect your information for providing you the various services and activities offered on this web site. You are not obliged to supply the data here but if you fail to provide the information requested, we will not be able to provide you the services and activities available on this Web site.


Sometimes we may ask you for other details, for example your favour and product preferences, age and any special dates (such as birthday and anniversary). These will be used to enhance our service to you. Providing us with this sort of information is entirely voluntary, however we may not be able to process your order if you do not provide us with all the requested information.


Purpose and Use of Data

The information we collected will be used for the following purposes:

  • to monitor use of this Web site and to help its further development;

  • to compile aggregate statistics about our users and to analyze site usage;

  • to collect data for identity verification and records and to maintain contact lists for correspondence;

  • to operate internal control, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce our terms of use ;

  • to deliver information to you that we believe you may have interest in, such as targeted banners, new services and products and other promotions and marketing materials;

  • to contact you regarding administrative notices and communications relevant to your use of this Web site and to respond to your request.

In addition, we will also use your information in the following manner:-

  • We may share much of our data, including your information, with our business partners, subsidiaries and associated companies.

  • In order to provide you with more information and services, we have arranged content providers and service providers to provide information and services. It may be necessary for us to share your information with these content providers and service providers.


Access to Data

You have the right to request access to, and correction of, information about you held by us, by paying us the reasonable charges incurred by us in relation to administering and complying with your request. If you need to check whether we hold your personal information or if you wish to have access to, correct any information relating to you which is inaccurate, please write via e-mail to

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